day 13 (stitches removed)

That was not so bad

The post-op appointment was slated for the afternoon. Was feeling pretty good and even got my foot in my walking shoes by having the laces very loose. Still protecting the toe when walking as it’s still slightly painful when it bends.

Got to the doctors office and checked in. After waiting some time, finally got in and saw the initial nurse assistant to do the typical pulse and heart rate check (required so they can bill you for an office visit).

Next was the nurse practitioner who had me hop up on a table and said, “I will not try to make this too painful”. I said sounds good to me.

Whats it like?

For those never had stitches out before, you may be wondering what its like. I honestly don’t remember when I had stitches removed, my last shoulder surgery was arthroscopic so it only had small holes and self dissolving stitches were used.

So she started the magic, and honestly, there was zero pain. It felt like a string was being pulled or tugged on top of your toe (which it technically was). So all in all went very nice.

Then shortly after, my orthopedic doctor/surgeon came in to do a final check. I showed him my progress of bending the toe (heel about two inches off ground and he said very nice. The wound (even though looks kinda gross) said its looking great. I am sure they see many more wounds then me and know what there talking about.

What was surprising was how surprised the nurse and doctor were of me walking in with a normal shoe (abit mostly unlaced to make it loose). I think they said some would still be in that big flat heel boot they provide after surgery. But much of this I believe depends on the healing potential the individual has, as well as the physical therapy being done during the first couple weeks post surgery.

Whats next?

So now we have to play the game of keeping the wound healing while doing physical therapy on the toe to keep it from stiffing and the fibers flexed. So all good and off I go (slowly hobbling that is).

View surgery wound after 13 days of healing, and stitches removed.

Warning slightly graphic to proceed

Did you complete the procedure? If so did your surgery/healing thus far match mine or differ in someway? Lets hear it in the comments below.

4 thoughts on “day 13 (stitches removed)”

  1. I just had the procedure on my left foot on 1/20, so I’m on day 6. I stopped taking pain pills on day 4, and probably could have stopped on day 3.

    Surgery took about 1 1/2 hours and I was completely knocked out. My foot was almost completely numb the remainder of the day. Surgeon said everything went very well. Kept it iced and elevated the first 3 days. Noticed substantial bruising on the toes, that’s all that is visible. The wound bled all the way through the gauze and wrapping, but stopped after day 1.

    I started walking down the block a little more each day starting on day 3 or 4. Today I circled the block, just over one mile. I mentioned this to the podiatrist who told me to dial it down a little.

    The wound itches a little. There is a slight internal pain that comes and goes.

  2. I just had my left done on January 8th & the right on the 15th, Stitches are out on the left but it wasn’t fully healed so I have to keep the foot dry another few days. The left wasn’t as bad and I can definitely feel a marked improvement in flexion. The right I was told looked like a brain as the site of the joint (Wish Dr had photos to show me), and it’s clicking when I do the prescribed exercises, which concerns me and I am hoping this clicking subsides during healing. Great to find your blog as I am a 49 year old athlete and rugby player, and I really didn’t know anything about the procedure besides a few google searches. I just know that lunges made me cry, and I needed to be able to flex my toes to be an effective forward in rugby during a scrum! Fusion was never an option!

  3. I am on day 13 and I just got my stitches removed. My wound is at a pretty similar stage of healing as yours. My doctor said that I am fine to stop wearing the post-operative sandal anytime now based on feel. I am going to keep wearing it though until I get some more range of motion back. I plan on beginning to swim again next week and begin some physical therapy. I am feeling good about the decision to have this surgery.

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