day 3 (72 hrs after)

72 hours after surgery

Slept better at night, was pain level of 0 during sleep and didn’t need to take hydrocodone until 5am this time. Progress.

So I was provided instructions from the medical team that the wrap they did (which covered entire foot/ankle) can be removed after 72 hours.

So I did that, took a quick shower and put a small dressing on it.

In the featured pic on this post I blurred the true image of the wound to date. If you want to see the non-blurred image, you can click below.

View surgery wound after 72 hrs of healing.

Warning slightly graphic to proceed

Did you complete the procedure? If so did your surgery/healing thus far match mine or differ in someway? Lets hear it in the comments below.

6 thoughts on “day 3 (72 hrs after)”

  1. It’s day 3 (2nd cheilectomy) for me. 1st is 9 weeks in and seems to be improving at a snails pace.

    I changed my dressing yesterday and again today. I’m not sure if it is a good idea, but last time I waited several days and the dried blood made the gauze feel like sandpaper, and I started thinking maybe a stitch came loose.

    My incision looks similar to yours, but yours looks a little more pooched out. It’s improved a bit since yesterday, more discoloration but less swelling. Like yesterday, today I spread a bit of aquaphor along the incision using a q-tip. There was bleeding, but nothing alarming. Seemed about the same as on day 2. I think when I go for a short walk, it causes a bit of bleeding along the incision. Looks pretty clean.

    I’m holding off on showering for a couple more days, though. Last time I waited 7 days. I can shampoo in the sink and use wet wipes every so often.

    I took only one ibuprofen this morning, and decided not to take any more today. Strangely there is no pain at all so far this time around. The left big toe aches some, but that’s likely due to the more rigorous PT it’s getting.

  2. Day 1 after surgery. Have a green plastic knob that I can now see at the top of my dressing. Any ideas on what this is. Health links was no help

  3. I was also told not to disturb the bandage until my two week post op. My incision is right on top – also use the protector from Amazon and highly recommend.

    1. Hi Katherine, it’s always interesting to hear other recommendations from other experiences. I feel some of the surgeons really stick to the book on some things, while others base on history or personal feels lol. Two weeks before disturbing the bandage seems like it would also delay the recovery if they also said not to disturb the toe during that time. I was starting slight bending exercises on day 6, as they said to “start activity as soon as possible without making it more painful etc..”. Interesting to see where your at one month later.

  4. As I mentioned before, my incision was on the side. The initial instructions were to not disturb the bandaging at all until the first follow-up appointment at day 10 (which has not occurred yet for me.) But since I soaked the bandages in the shower, that point is moot. Now I change them daily. I ordered a bandage protector from Amazon for $15, used it today in the shower and it works.

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